Louis Boone

Thank you very much for all that you did to train Jenna and helping us understand the training. I am sorry we have not had the chance to get by but once the hunting season begins, I am gone every weekend. Jenna did a fantastic job with her 1st year! We took two different trips to South Dakota and she was really doing a great job. She also pointed a few here in Colorado. She pointed multiple birds in South Dakota and we shot quite a few over her with great retrieves. I am very happy with how she works and feel with a little time she will be top notch.

Maybe we’ll see you soon and I’ll tell you all about my Bull and Whitetail. Until then, thanks again for a great job!

Louis Boone


Champ - Trained at Valhalla KennelsJust thought I’d drop you a couple of jpegs on Champ to show how your handy-work has paid off. You’ll recall that I joined the Bluff’s a couple of weeks ago. This crazy dog can stand still, at least for a few seconds.

You might recognize the pointer Faith, Logan’s dog, who went out with us last weekend. Faith did great. Champ honored Faith’s points multiple times. One of these times, we thought he was honoring her point, when in fact they were pointing at 2 separate birds just 15 feet apart.

Thanks Valhalla! Dixie learned from Faith for a few hours, then found and retrieved these two birds on her own. Thanks for treating us so well.

Don Ayres

Champ - Trained at Valhalla Kennels

Don Ayres - Testimonial

Jim Vanek

Jim Vanek, an avid wing shooter and lover of German Shorthairs highlights his hunting season in his regular column for the Greeley Tribune. Jim shares the ups and downs of the 2004-2005 wild bird hunting across the West, with the only real down being the fact that it’s over.

Greeley Tribune Article

Meet Buck


My name is Buck and my dad accidentally fed me too much Dog Chow this summer. One day he looked at me and realized that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with him during hunting season. So Dad sent me to Doggie Fat Camp at Valhalla.

Through a high protein diet and lots of daily exercise I hope to drop 20# over the next month. You can track my progress on a weekly basis. Wish me luck!!!

Buck's Signature

8/7/04 ~ 84#

8/17/04 ~ 83# but looking leaner!

Doggy Fat Camp

Attention all supple canines!

Do you have a hard time going between meals? Is the Jenny Craig diet not working out for you? Well don’t go away; I have a story to tell.

Doggy Fat Camp TestimonialMy name is Lady and I was overweight. I had a hard time getting off the couch to go hunting. Once out in the field, I was winded after 5 minutes and ready to take a nap. As if that wasn’t enough, my owners referred to me as Buddha and our friends at the trials called me Table Top. I was feeling pretty low.

So you ask yourself, what is a dog to do? The answer is


That’s right; Russell has a doggy fat camp. In just over 2 weeks I went from 75 lbs and doggie size 15 to under 65 lbs and a doggie size 8. Russell was in charge of exercise and Stephanie was my personal dietitian. I spent every day being exercised and was put on the Bil-Jack diet.

When Mom and Dad came to pick me up, I was a whole new dog and they didn’t recognize me!!! I was so pleased.

I felt just like a puppy again!!

So if you need help shedding those unwanted pounds in time for the hunting season, see Russell and Stephanie. They are here to pump you up!!!

Lady Testimonial