Ryan Ward

Tyler Bowman

Ryan was born and raised in Texas, where he got his first bird dog, an American Brittany called Rooster. He spent 13 years in the US Army, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ryan’s passion for training dogs came from his love for waterfowl hunting. Along with training dogs, Ryan also guides waterfowl in Alaska and Oklahoma. He owns two pudelpointers, a Deutsch drahthaar, a German shorthair, and an English pointer. Ryan is especially passionate about training versatile dogs for NAVHDA utility tests, and AKC pointing dog hunt tests.


“Few things are as rewarding as hunting over a dog you trained, and nothing will humble you quite like training a dog will. There’s frustrations and there’s challenges for dog and trainer alike. But when it finally comes together, man that feels good.”

Jennifer Goodwin

Jennifer has always had a passion for working with animals and dreamed of training dogs since she was a little girl. She started her journey in 2006 when she was hired to work at a kennel. In 2018 she left this job but found herself gravitating back to the world of bird dogs through volunteering in the training field in exchange for an opportunity to learn.

The first chukar she ever planted immediately flew away when she turned around. Since then, she has not only learned the art of planting birds but what it takes to be an effective handler. In August 2021, her childhood dream came true with a full-time training position. Since then, she has endeavored to grow her knowledge and skills as a trainer.

Jennifer recognizes the importance of partnership between humans and dogs and strives to give every owner the tools they need to confidently handle their pups. She appreciates that every dog is unique, and works to bring forth the best out of any pup, whether they come from championship lines or a rescue.

When she is not training, Jennifer enjoys being outside, writing, and flying planes.


“Dog training is not really about teaching a dog to do something but instead giving a dog something to do. And when you give a dog something to do, you give him a purpose.”

Tyler Bowman

Scott King

Scott King - Dog Trainer Valhalla Kennels and Gun Dogs

Scott was born and raised in Texas where his love of dogs devolved with his first Lab puppy Dixie. Scott served in the United States Coast Guard for over 11 years and then followed his dream of living near the mountains, being outdoors, and big game hunting in Colorado. Scott and his family have 2 GSPs and a Dachshund and he understands the balance of a hunting companion and family pet. Scott enjoys spending time in the field, working each dog individually, and is dedicated to producing the best hunting companion for you and your family.

“Great bird dogs are trained and developed with dedication to time in the field and precision handling. Natural instincts and a hard-working personality are also key to having what it takes. The same is true for great and talented dog trainers.” 

Russell MacLennan

Russell MacLennan is a respected bird dog breeder, trainer and upland hunting guide. He began his amateur training career in 1989 with a black lab named Buddy. Since then he has trained all breeds of sporting dogs and their owners for performance in the field and basic obedience in the home.

Russell is no stranger to competition, at age 14 he competed in the Colorado Pheasant Hunting Championships, hosted by Pheasants Forever. Along with the help of Sir Hershey of Surrey and Delery Guillory they won top honors. Since, Russell has trained for, and competed in a variety of competitions including:

  • National Bird Dog Challenge Association
  • A.K.C. hunt tests and horseback trials
  • A.P.L.A. qualifiers and many local hunting trials
  • Russell and his dog “Boo” own the record for the fastest time set in the Colorado Open Pheasant Hunting Championships. In 1997, Russell and “Boo” completed a six pheasant run in less than 5 minutes, posting one of the highest scores ever.

Russell was born with a gift to understand dogs and the patience to teach their owners.

Contact Russell at: russ@valhallahuntclub.com

Available by appointment only

Russell MacLennan - Dog Trainer at Valhalla Kennels and Gun Dogs

“A dog is man’s best friend! So why can parrots talk?”