Ryan Ward

Tyler Bowman

Ryan was born and raised in Texas with an American Brittany named Rooster. He spent 13 years in the U.S. Army, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition to training dogs, Ryan also guides waterfowl hunts in Alaska and Oklahoma. He owns two Pudelpointers, a Deutsch Drahthaar, a German Shorthair, and an English Pointer. Ryan is particularly passionate about training versatile dogs for NAVHDA utility tests and AKC pointing dog hunt tests.

“Few things are as rewarding as hunting over a dog you trained, and nothing will humble you quite like training a dog. There are frustrations and challenges for both dogs and trainers alike, but when it finally comes together, man, that feels good.”

Email Ryan at: driftergundogs@gmail.com

Policy on New Clients

We are currently only accepting reservations for existing clients at Valhalla Kennels. As much as we would like to welcome new customers and provide services and boarding for those looking for a quality facility that caters to sporting dogs we need to first serve our existing clientele.  We strive to provide quality care and customer services but we have experienced an influx of new inquiries that make it impossible to meet everyone’s expectations. 

Valhalla’s 30-90 day training program will still be operating as usual and accepting new training dogs that are committed to advanced training goals.  

For existing clients and new training clients please reach out to us and we will email you an invite for the Valhalla Kennels app.  Once your account is set up and you accept the invitation you’ll be able to schedule future boarding,  update payment information, and see the vaccine status of your dog(s).


Canine Contagious Respiratory Infection

As many of you are already aware, there is an unusual respiratory infection in dogs here in our area of Colorado and several other states as well. Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDCP) outbreaks are commonly called Kennel Cough and occur in dog populations regularly. These outbreaks are typically caused by known pathogens such as Bordetella, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Mycoplasma, Coronavirus, and others, as well as a combination of these pathogens.

The Infectious agent of this most recent outbreak has not been definitively identified. Veterinary labs are currently testing samples to identify the cause, but it is yet to be determined. It could be a new virus, bacteria, or a mix of more than one.

What we can tell you:
– It is likely contagious between dogs via airborne respiratory droplets.
-No link has been made between sick dogs and respiratory illness in humans.
-Symptoms can include coughing, sneezing, nasal and/or eye discharge, low appetite, and lethargy. Seek veterinary care if your dog exhibits these symptoms.
-Cases tend to fall into three categories: 1.) Chronic to mild kennel cough for 6 to 8 weeks (most cases) 2.) Chronic pneumonia (occasional cases) 3.) Acute pneumonia that becomes severe and potentially life-threatening (rare).

We recommend caution, rather than being overly worried. As with all contagious illnesses, the risk is higher in boarding facilities, grooming facilities, training centers, dog shows, shelters, doggie daycare centers, dog parks, and high-traffic pet stores. Even well-vaccinated dogs can contract this infection.

At Valhalla Kennels we strive to limit exposure by:
-Not co-mingling dogs from different households in the exercise area.
-Not accepting sick dogs into the facility and immediately sending sick dogs home
-Daily disinfecting of all runs and communal spaces
-Sanitizing all drinking and food bowls daily.
– In addition to vaccinating for common respiratory infections that are included in the Bordetella & DHPP vaccine, we now recommend dogs receive the Canine Influenza vaccine before boarding.

**Realize that even vaccinated dogs can get CIRDC and strict cleaning and disinfecting protocols can not eliminate the risk of exposure**

Parker and Star

We were so very lucky and blessed to have met Jennifer and for her to start working with Parker. We have been coming for private lessons with her on Wednesdays ever since. We are hoping after the season is over that we can continue with her for other types of training beyond birds. 
We would like you to know and to express all that Jennifer has done for Parker and our six-year-old black lab, Star.  Since Parker and Star will be hunting together, Star needed to learn what Parker was learning, primarily “whoa” and for Parker and Star to learn to honor each other’s bird. May I just say, mission accomplished and then some!!

Jennifer Goodwin

Jennifer has always had a passion for working with animals and dreamed of training dogs since she was a little girl. In August 2021, her childhood dream came true when she took a full-time training position. Since then, she has worked diligently to grow her knowledge and skills as a trainer. Jennifer recognizes the importance of the partnership between humans and dogs, striving to equip every owner with the tools they need to confidently handle their pups. She appreciates that every dog is unique and works to bring out the best in each one, whether they come from championship lines or are rescues. When she’s not training, Jennifer enjoys being outdoors, writing, and flying planes.


“Dog training is not really about teaching a dog to do something but instead giving a dog something to do. And when you give a dog something to do, you give him a purpose.”

Email Jennifer at: jg.birddogs@gmail.com

Tyler Bowman