90 Day Training Program

For ages 6 months and up

Training Objectives: To build a started bird dog with handling, drive and experience


  • Sit to the whistle (Flushers)
  • Whoa Broke (Pointers)
  • Steady to the flush and released on shot or sit to flush
  • Responsive to whistle, collar tone, voice and hand signals

30 Day Puppy Course

  • Intro to live birds & gun shots
  • Encourage drive & range
  • Obedient to field commands
  • Very little pressure – fun month

Trained Retrieve Program

  • Must have completed the 90-Day Program
  • No older than 3 years
  • A clean retrieve to hand on command is taught in this 6-8 week program

30 Day Ready to Hunt Program

  • Gun broke
  • Field manners & handling
  • Collar conditioned
  • Exposure to live game birds